AMFI-Registered Mutual Fund Distributor

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Recurring Deposits VS Mutual funds

The interest rates on RDs depend on which category you fall under and your choice between different banks.The current interest rates available from different banks range between 4.5% and 7.90% per annum.

Factor Recurring Deposit Mutual Funds-Robo Invest
Typical Returns 5-7% 7-13%
Typical Net Return
(Post Taxes & Penalties)
4.5-5.5% (End Of Term)
3-4% If RD Is 'Broken'
Penalty/Exit Load 1-2% 0%
Tax As Per Tax Slab Debt Less Than 5%
Arbitrage - 0%
Mode Of Investment Monthly Automatic Bi-Weekly/ Monthly Automatic
Compounding Quarterly/ Yearly Daily
Lockin Period Fixed Term/ Premature With Penalty NIL
Partial Withdrawal Sometimes Always Allowed